I created this yii cjuitabs article from my experience.When you read this article you can understand the yii cuitabs to handle differenct way.When i work on project, I need to assign the color for each tabs. I did this using span.
Static CJuiTabs
<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiTabs', array( 'tabs' => array( 'Tab 1' => 'Content for tab 1', 'Tab 2' => array('content' => 'Content for tab 2', 'id' => 'tab2'), // panel 3 contains the content rendered by a partial view 'AjaxTab' => array('ajax' => $this->createUrl('...')), ), // additional javascript options for the tabs plugin 'options' => array( //Click the selected tab to toggle its content closed/open. //To enable this functionality, set the collapsible option to true 'collapsible' => true, //Open CJuitabs on mouse over 'event'=>'mouseover', ), )); ?>
This is the normal CJuiTabs view in Yii framework. Just create the tab and assign content for that tab.
Here I did 3 things. They are
- Static Content for Tab l
- Static Content with ID for Tab 2
- Content added dynamically using ajax url
Render CJuiTabs
<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiTabs', array( 'tabs' => array( 'Tab 1' => 'Content for tab 1', 'Tab 2' => array('content' => 'Content for tab 2', 'id' => 'tab2'), // panel 3 contains the content rendered by a partial view 'AjaxTab' => array('ajax' => $this->createUrl('...')), // Get Content From Another page. Also Pass Parameter 'Render View'=>$this->renderPartial('_newpage', array('value'=>$value),TRUE) ), // Render view with ID 'Render View With ID'=>array( 'id'=>'renderid' 'content'=>$this->renderPartial('_newpage2', array('value'=>$value),TRUE ), ), // additional javascript options for the tabs plugin 'options' => array( 'collapsible' => true, ), 'id'=>'MyTab', )); ?>In this code, We can add content using renderPartial method in CJuiTabs. Here i added one parameter that is "value"(Optional)
Dynamic CJuiTabs
<?php $tab_list=Componenttabs::gettabs(); $tabarray=array(); $i=1; // Create Dynamic Tabs foreach($tab_list as $key=>$value){ $tabarray["Tab $i"]=array( 'id'=>$i, 'content'=>$this->renderPartial('_newpage', array('value'=>$value),TRUE) ); $i++; } $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiTabs', array( 'tabs'=>$tabarray, 'options'=>array( 'collapsible'=>true, ), 'id'=>'categorytabs', )); ?> components/Componenttabs.php <?php class Componenttabs extends CApplicationComponent{ public static function gettabs(){ $model=Category::model()->findAll(); $listdata=CHtml::listData($model,”,’name’); return $listdata; } } ?>
This is my great work of my project. I created dynamic tabs and content.
CJuiTabs With Class(Style)
<style type='text/css' > .tabclass{ color:'red'; font-weight:bold; } </style> // Css class for dynamic CJuiTabs <?php $tabarray["<span class='tabclass'>Tab $i</span>"]=array( 'id'=>$i, 'content'=>$this->renderPartial( '_newpage', array('value'=>$value), TRUE) ); ?> // Css class for static CJuiTabs <?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiTabs', array( 'tabs' => array( '<span class='tabclass'>Tab 1</span>' => 'Content for tab 1', ), )); ?>
When you create dynamic tab using $tabarray["Tab $i"], You can apply color class using span tag.
Hint: When you use more than one CJuiTabs "Dont Forget" to set "ID". Otherwise you will get some problem
Dynamic Yii CJui Tabs Menu With Color
<?php $tablist=array("Red","Green","Blue"); foreach($tablist as $tabs){ $css=''; if($tabs=='Red'){$css='color:red;';} else if($tabs=='Green'){$css='color:green;';} else if($tabs=='Blue'){$css='color:blue';} $tabarray["<span id='tab-$key' style='$css'>$tabs</span>"]="$tabs Color"; } ?> <?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiTabs',array( 'tabs'=>$tabarray, 'options' => array( 'collapsible' => true, ), 'id'=>'MyTab-Menu1' )); ?>
Yii CJui Tabs Mouse Over Event
<?php $tablist=array("Red","Green","Blue"); foreach($tablist as $tabs){ $css=''; if($tabs=='Red'){$css='color:red;';} else if($tabs=='Green'){$css='color:green;';} else if($tabs=='Blue'){$css='color:blue';} $tabarray["<span id='tab-$key' style='$css'>$tabs</span>"]="$tabs Color"; } ?> <?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiTabs',array( 'tabs'=>$tabarray, 'options' => array( 'event'=>'mouseover', ), 'id'=>'MyTab-Menu-Mouse' )); ?>Download Yii CJuiTabs
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